Not Valid For Identification Purposes is an inkjet print on Vellum of my original birth certificate suspended with a paperclip and fishing line. It is an exploration of my identity, as this is the only document of the name given to me by my birth mom, a name that was erased for me.
Many adopted people are denied access to their original birth certificates. When I requested mine, the adoption agency created a certified copy and stamped it “Not Valid For Identification Purposes.” The printing on Vellum and suspension of the scan speak to the illusory nature of this document. The flimsy piece of Vellum gently twists and turns as people walk by or breathe when close to it. This person named on the document lives in the memory of my birth parents and in my own imagination.
Inkjet print on Vellum, Paperclip, Fishing Line
8.5 x 11" inkjet print, installation dimensions variable
2D, Installation