Reciprocal Strategies
The work was founded on the idea of mashing the ping pong of a conversation with the collective assemblage of an exquisite corpse: one artist would make short video quickly, sending it to the other artist. Then the next artist would make another short video quickly in response, sending that to the other artist. The end product is an installation that can be understood as a series of monologues and/or conversations between the videos, some being self-evident, while others relying on the interaction in the space with the other videos and with the viewers inhabiting the projection of other videos in order clearly see one.
Reciprocal Strategies was a collaboration with Cassidy Petrazzi.
Reciprocal Strategies, Nicole Rademacher, Cassidy Petrazzi, video art, video installation, short videos, experimental documentary, experimental documentaries
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Reciprocal Strategies
The work was founded on the idea of mashing the ping-pong of a conversation with the collective assemblage of an exquisite corpse: one artist would make a short video quickly, sending it to the other artist. Then the next artist would make another short video quickly in response, sending that to the other artist. The end product is an installation that can be understood as a series of monologues and/or conversations between the videos, some being self-evident, while others relying on the interaction in the space with the other videos and with the viewers inhabiting the projection of other videos in order clearly see one.
Reciprocal Strategies was a collaboration with Cassidy Petrazzi.
Six-Channel Video Installation